The SEA-change Model in Information Literacy: Assessing Information Literacy Development with Reflective Writing


  • Barbara Anne Sen University of Sheffield
  • Pamela McKinney University of Sheffield



information literacy, IL, reflection, reflective writing, reflective practice, undergraduate students, business intelligence, Higher Education,


Reflective writing is a key professional skill, and the University of Sheffield Information School seeks to develop this skill in our students through the use of reflective assessments. Reflection has been used as a means of supporting Information Literacy development in the Higher Education context and recent pedagogical IL frameworks highlight the important role of reflection. This paper presents an analysis of Undergraduate students’ reflective writing on one module. The writing is mapped against two models of reflection to understand the nature and depth of the students’ reflection and through this understand their Information literacy development, with the overall aim of improving the teaching and learning experience for the future. Key findings are that students did reflect deeply and identified a number of ways in which they felt their IL had developed (e.g. developing a knowledge of specialist sources), ways they could have improved their information literacy practices (e.g. through storing information in a more organised fashion), and ways that we could improve our teaching (e.g. by providing appropriate scaffolding for the activities).




How to Cite

Sen, B. A., & McKinney, P. (2014). The SEA-change Model in Information Literacy: Assessing Information Literacy Development with Reflective Writing. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 6(1), 23–38.


