Are Norwegian Librarians ready to share Library Data to improve Learning?


  • Tore Hoel Oslo and Akershus University of Applied Sciences
  • Weiqin Chen
  • Anne-Berit Gregersen



library data, learning analytics, data sharing, privacy, data protection


University libraries offer services that generate data about how students and faculty use knowledge sources and engage with teaching and learning. In an era of Big Data there is mounting pressure to use these data, something that challenges the professional ethics of librarians. This paper explores how Norwegian librarians position themselves in relation to the new phenomenon of learning analytics, which would like to process library data to help improve learning and its contexts. A literature review shows that librarians in general are highly sceptical to let any information that is not anonymised out of their hands to be used by other professions. However, library data is increasingly being shared with third parties as part of development of library systems and practices.  In a survey presented in this paper Norwegian librarians were asked about their willingness to take part in analytics and data sharing. The findings show that even if librarians in general do not want to share data that reveals personal information, their resistance will depend on the consent of the students, and to which degree librarians themselves are involved in processing and analysis of the data. This study identifies learning analytics as a field the library community should engage with, and the authors give their advice on what should be focussed to sustain librarians’ professional ethics related to use of library data.

Author Biography

Tore Hoel, Oslo and Akershus University of Applied Sciences

Tore Hoel Tore Hoel is a researcher at the Learning Centre and Library in Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. He is working on international and European projects in the field of learning technologies and has been active in international standards communities in this field for more than a decade. Currently, he has a research focus on learning analytics and innovative technologies for learning.

Tore Hoel, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, NO.
Tore Hoel is affiliated with Learning Centre and Library at HiOA, and has been working within the learning technology standardisation community for more than ten years. He started his career in higher education as a director of communication at Oslo University College, and has the last ten years participated in a number of national and European projects. Hoel has a background in journalism, publishing (founder of a number of professional journals), ICT consultancy, public relations and information management, as well as in ICT and learning, and standardisation.

Tore works now primarily with European and Nordic projects within the field of ICT and learning, e.g., the NordicOER project, the Open Discovery Space project, and the Learning Analytics Community Exchange project.




How to Cite

Hoel, T., Chen, W., & Gregersen, A.-B. (2018). Are Norwegian Librarians ready to share Library Data to improve Learning?. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 10(1), 4–17.