Preparing students for an evidence-based health service – a collaboration between the University Library and faculty
evidence-based practice, health care, health service, health care students, undergraduate students, library–faculty collaboration, librarians, higher education, active learning, digital learningAbstract
The Faculty of Health Sciences, OsloMet (Oslo Metropolitan University), first launched the joint course ‘Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in Health Care’ in the fall semester 2020, with University Librarians as collaborative partners. The aim of the course is to ensure that OsloMet undergraduate students in the health sciences will be given the same platform for building their ability for evidence-based work. This best practice article is based on our presentation at the conference ‘Creating Knowledge 2021’. Here we shared some of our experiences of the collaboration with the faculty in the planning and implementation of this course, and the course design featuring flipped classroom structure and digital, student active teaching sessions. We will present examples of student course assignments, evaluation from students and faculty staff, and some course adjustments based on the feedback. This course gives both the library, the faculty and all our different health care students a common platform for teaching and learning evidence-based practice.
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