Between myth and reality: an exploratory study of secondary school pupils’ information behavior
This paper presents and discusses the results of an exploratory case study of secondary school pupils’ information behaviour. According to Rowlands et al. (2008) many myths exist about the Google Generation (those born after 1993) that tend to overestimate the positive impact of ICTs on the young. The ubiquitous presence of technology has not resulted in improved skills in information retrieval, information seeking and evaluation. However, information skills are needed more than ever if people should be able to navigate competently in the information society. At the national level there is an intensive need for educational research and inquiry into the information and digital literacy skills of young people. This will help guide the way library services and digital information systems are designed in addition to facilitate how information literacy programs are developed and implemented in an educational practice. The research on young people’s information behaviour by Rowlands et al. was carried out in 2007. To determine whether the picture of the Google generation is consistent with reality a number of the myths investigated in 2007 were explored among 43 Danish secondary school pupils in 2009. Four research questions guided the study:
- What characterises the information behaviour of Danish secondary school pupils?
- Does the information behaviour differ across school year? If so, in which way?
- How is information seeking conceptualized and experienced?
- How is the study centre and library conceptualized and experienced?
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Exploring methods in information literacy research (2007). Edited by Suzanne Lipu, Kirsty Williamson and Annemaree Lloyd, Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W., XV. (Topics in Australasian Library and Information Studies; 28).
Pors, Niels Ole (2007). Gymnasieelever og biblioteker – en undersøgelse af 998 elevers brug af biblioteker og informationsressourcer. Kbh.: Biblioteksstyrelsen (Rapporter fra Biblioteksstyrelsen; 5)
Rowlands, I. et al. (2008). The Google generation: the information behaviour of the researcher of the future. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 60(4), 290-310. Sundin, O. & Francke, H. (2009). In search of credibility: Pupils’ information practices in learning environments. Information Research, 14(4). paper 418. [Available at]
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