NVivo courses in the library

Working to create the library services of tomorrow


  • Sara Røddesnes
  • Hege Charlotte Faber NTNU
  • Magnus Rom Jensen




NVivo, New services, Library Development, CAQDAS


In 2017, we started a project with the goal of offering a new service to academic staff and PhD candidates at the NTNU University Library: courses and guidance in the use of NVivo, a software to alleviate the workload in structuring and analysing qualitative research data.

Such software is useful for a plethora of subjects, like geography, anthropology, sociology, but also subjects like art history. Faculty members and PhD-candidates at NTNU have expressed enthusiasm when contacted about future courses in NVivo. Some employees have experience with NVivo, while others have tried to make their own tools and systems for analysis to fulfil their needs. Based on their feedback, experiences and valuable suggestions, we will offer the course in the fall 2018, either as a standalone library course or as a joint venture with one or more departments in the Humanities and Social Sciences faculties.

Our article will focus on how we have identified a new skillset and how we developed a new course for our patrons in close cooperation with them. In our article we will walk you through our ongoing project. We are very interested in feedback and hope to spark a discussion on the creation of new services in the libraries.    




How to Cite

Røddesnes, S., Faber, H. C., & Jensen, M. R. (2019). NVivo courses in the library: Working to create the library services of tomorrow. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 11(1), 27–38. https://doi.org/10.15845/noril.v11i1.2762