NVivo – an Introduction


  • Hege Faber NTNU Library, Arts and social science section
  • Magnus Rom Jensen NTNU University Library
  • Sara Røddesnes NTNU University Library




Are you curious about the possibilities of giving courses in Nvivo in your library? In this workshop, we will give a brief overview of the software, and show some basic operations in the program. The goal for the workshop is that participants get a good understanding of what the software can (and cannot) do. The workshop is aimed at users with little or no experience in using Nvivo or other CAQDAS software. 

The workshop will briefly cover:
· Starting a new project
· Importing text, video/sound, pictures and social media data
· Pros and cons to different methods
· Basic analysis of data
· Presenting your data and analysis
· Q and A

You can bring your own computer with Nvivo installed. This is not mandatory, feel free to join us with or without your computer! It is not necessary to listen to our previous presentation (Track Session 2A) to participate in the workshop.

Author Biography

Hege Faber, NTNU Library, Arts and social science section

Senior Research Librarian



How to Cite

Faber, H., Jensen, M. R., & Røddesnes, S. (2019). NVivo – an Introduction. Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.15845/noril.v11i1.2807